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The Walsh County Nutrition and Public Transportation Program is a private, non-profit, multi-service provider which is dedicated to assisting senior citizens live independent, active, healthy and productive lives through the provision of community dining, home delivered meals, frozen meals, outreach and transportation services.  Transportation services are open to the General Public and all ages may ride.  Our vehicles are wheelchair accessible with ramps.




The Walsh County Senior Citizens Council, hereinafter referred to as the “TRANSIT AGENCY" is committed to compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all related regulations and statutes. The TRANSIT AGENCY assures that no person or groups(s) of persons shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any and all programs, services, or activities administered by the TRANSIT AGENCY, regardless of whether those programs and activities are federally funded or not. In addition to Title VI, there are other nondiscrimination statutes which include sex, age, and disability . These requirements define an over-arching Title VI/Nondiscrimination and ADA Program.

The TRANSIT AGENCY also assures that every effort will be made to prevent discrimination through the impacts of its programs, policies, and activities on minority and low-income populations. In addition, the Transit Agency will provide meaningful access to services for persons with Limited English Proficiency for language assistance free of charge to the person upon request. 

In the event the TRANSIT AGENCY distributes federal-aid funds to a subrecipient, the Transit Agency will include Title VI language in all written agreements and will monitor for compliance. 

The TRANSIT AGENCY'S Title VI Coordinator Pam Landsem, Director 701-284-7980, PO Box 620, Park River, ND 58270, is responsible for initiating and monitoring Title VI activities, preparing reports and other responsibilities as required by 23 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 200 and 49 CFR 21. 



Walsh County Transportation will consider every request for reasonable modification from individuals with disabilities.  To request a reasonable modification contact our office at 701-284-7980, on our website at or in writing at PO Box 620, Park River, ND 58270.  Staff members are trained to provide reasonable modifications when necessary.

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